What Makes Your Child Light Up?

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A friend of mine told me a story yesterday that I just loved. Her 11 year old daughter, Isabel, was on a volleyball team and was in the backyard practicing her volleyball skills. When my friend peeked out the kitchen window to watch her  practice, she was surprised by what she saw. Her daughter was happily dancing around the yard!  My … Read More

Why Do Our Kids Act Out?

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Does this scenario sound familiar? When your child was a baby and crying, people advised you, “Just remember, she’s crying because she has a need that’s not being fulfilled. She’s either sleepy, bored, lonely, over-stimulated, frustrated, hungry, sick, scared, hurt, or has a wet diaper.” So when your baby cried and you were trying to figure out why, you’d go … Read More

The Beauty of Family Meetings

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By Sharlin Craig Why do family meetings? It’s one of the most effective and bonding moments families can do to create greater harmony and connection. Of course if that sounds too formal and business like, you can call your family meetings anything you’d like: Family talks, family chats, family pow-wows, Sunday sessions, etc. What do you do in a family … Read More